ParsePort Platform

Convert and validate ESEF, ESG, GAAP, and xHTML reports with one powerful tool.

XBRL Converter tool

Convert your reports into xHTML or iXBRL
using ESEF taxonomy.

XBRL Inspector tool

Review, analyze, and audit any xHTML,
XBRL, or iXBRL files.

XBRL Conversion Portal

Convert your report into XBRL using CRD IV (EBA),
Solvency II (EIOPA) or local GAAP.
Is is time to begin your XBRL journey with us? Do you need to create a new portal user? Fill out a request and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible!

Book a free ESEF demo

Schedule a free demo with one of ParsePort’s ESEF experts at your convinience. We can walk you through our process, answer questions, and help you find the ParsePort ESEF solution that’s right for you.

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